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Table of All Projects Running Jobs on the Clusters
User Table

Project Table, sorted by ‘Total Jobs’ in descending order. In addition, active filters reduce the underlying data to jobs with less than six hours runtime, started on the CPU exclusive cluster.

This view lists all projects (usergroups) which are, and were, active on the configured clusters. Information about the total number of jobs, walltimes and calculation usages are shown.

It is possible to filter the list by project name using the equally named prompt, which also accepts partial queries.

The filter component allows limitation of the returned projects based on job parameters like start timestamp or memory usage.

The table can be sorted by clicking the respective icon next to the column headers.


Project NameThe project (usergoup) jobs are associated withLinks to a job list with preset filter returning only jobs of this project
Total JobsProject total of all started Jobs
Total WalltimeProject total requested walltime
Total Core HoursProject total of all used core hours used
Total Accelerator HoursProject total of all used accelerator hoursPlease Note: This column is always shown, and will return 0 for clusters without installed accelerators