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Web Interface

How to use the web interface?


ClusterCockpit Home Table

ClusterCockpit home table for two configured clusters

The entrypoint for each login via the login mask is a table containing each configured cluster as a row with the following columns:

  • Name: The configured clusters’ name
  • Running Jobs: Number of Jobs currently running longer than 5 minutes (or configured shortRunning amount of time)
    • Clicking the Link will forward to the job list with preset filters for cluster and running jobs
  • Total Jobs: Number of Jobs in the respective job-archive
    • Clicking the Link will forward to the job list with preset filter for cluster
  • Status View: Link to the status view of the respective cluster
    • This column is only shown for users with admin authority.
  • Systems View: Link to the nodes view view of the respective cluster
    • This column is only shown for users with admin authority.

The navigation bar allows direct access to ClusterCockpits’ different views and functions. Depending on the users’ authorization, the selectable views can differ.

For most viewports, the navigation bar is rendered fully expanded:

ClusterCockpit Expanded Navbar
1Home ButtonLeads back to the home table
2ViewsLeads to ClusterCockpits’ different views, will change dependent on user authority
3SearchbarTop-Level Searchbar, see full usage information here
4DocumentationLeads to this Documentation
5SettingsLeads to ClusterCockpit settings page
6LogoutLogs out the active user

Adaptive Render Versions

On smaller viewports, the navigation bar will be rendered in one of two collapsed states:

ClusterCockpit Collapsed Navbar

Partially collapsed navigation bar. ‘Groups’ will expand to show links for Users, Projects, Tags, and Nodes views. ‘Stats’ will expand to show links for Analysis and Status views. Searchbar, Logout and Settings not shown here, but are still rendered explicitly in this case.

ClusterCockpit Burger Navbar

On mobile devices, the navigation bar as a whole is reduced into a burger navigation icon, and will display all views, as well as the searchbar, as stacked navigation menu.


Webinterface Settings Page


Toplevel Searchbar Functionality


Plot Descriptions and Functionality


Webinterface Filter Options


View-Specific Frontend Usage Information.